
Friday, March 15, 2013

Gender Reveal and Party

On the 1st of March we had our anatomy and gender ultrasound.  Josh and I were so excited to find out what our little peanut was... Girl or Boy.  Going into the appointment, I was thinking Girl and Josh was thinking Boy.  The Heidbrink side of the family is well known for ALL of the boys.  Only one of Richard's brothers had a girl.  So the odds were looking good for a boy.  

So we went in for the Ultrasound and it didn't take the technician long to tell us it was is a GIRL!!!!!  I immediately started crying.  I have had a feeling since about 12 weeks that she was a she.  The technician then continued with the scan showing us all kinds of amazing things about our little girl.  We saw here heart, her kidneys, her brain, her spine, 10 fingers, 10 toes, and her little arms and legs.  

These two pictures are her little face in profile.  In the picture above, that is her fist above her head.  

 This picture is of her looking right at us!  Kinda looks like a skeleton.  You can also see her heart; it is the black spot in the big grey circle (her chest) below her head.

This is Josh's favorite video.  You can see her opening and closing her mouth.

These two are tied for my favorite videos.  The top one is her wiggling around.  She even turns and looks right at the "camera".  About 5 seconds in, you can see her reach her arm above her head.

The video below is her facing towards my back.  I love how you can see her arms, legs, spine, etc. Really her whole body!!

After the Ultrasound, we met with our physician.  She had looked at the pictures and told us she is PERFECT!  All measurements are right on.  I am also measuring right in the right range for my belly.  

That night it was SO SO hard keeping it a secret from our family what the gender was.  BUT WORTH IT!

The next morning, we made cakepops filled with raspberry cake, pink for our little girl.  We had lots of snacks and decorated the table with pink and blue.  We also made pink lemonade served in blue cups.

This is a flower arrangement my mom made for us.  The Hershey bars have HE and SHE colored in on them in blue and pink.

  Family arrived around 1 and made guesses about the gender. I think a lot of people expected that we were having a boy, but were hoping for a little girl. 

Everyone was antsy to find out, so we counted to 3 and everyone bit into a cakepop.  

Everyone was quite surprised, I think.  This is the first grandchild on my side and is the second on Josh's side (our sister-in-law, Camille and Josh's brother, Mark had a son in November).  

It was a great party and so much fun to share the news with our family.  We have gotten her room cleaned out and ready to decorate.  We have also started recieving books, clothes, and more great things for her.  We are so excited to meet our little Girl in July!