
Thursday, February 28, 2013


Cant believe how time flies!! This pregnancy is going by so quickly!! Little baby has been so active lately; loving to kick and wiggle around.  We find out TOMORROW what the gender of our little peanut is and then tell our family on Saturday. I'm thinking Girl and Josh is thinking Boy! Whichever gender it is, we are hoping they are healthy and growing strong.  Can't wait to see the baby in the ultrasound tomorrow.

How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain: -2ish I think, changes pretty often
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? None!
Sleep: Good unless I dont have my body pillow
Best moment this week: More kicks and Josh feeling the kicks
Miss Anything? Hot Dogs
Movement: Definitely!
Food cravings: Sweet and Sour Sauce
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Find out on FRIDAY!!

Labor Signs: Nada
Symptoms: Round Ligament Pain, Growing stomach
Belly Button in or out? In, but quickly heading out
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! But watch out I can get moody.
Looking forward to: Finding out if our little baby is a boy or girl !!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pregnancy lately

Being pregnant lately has been GREAT!! My nausea and puking is gone! Thank Goodness! Baby is wiggling a lot more everyday (Still too little for Josh to feel, but it will happen soon).  My appetite is also back and I feel like i am eating very good sized and healthy meals and lots of snacks.

I've also been having more cravings, which is kinda fun.  My weirdest was last night when I wanted Sweet and Sour sauce.  My mouth was salivating just thinking about it.  It is so strange how something can be so delicious after craving it.

Let's see... what else.  I feeling more and more like an old woman.  Whenever I go  to get up, I have to brace myself and go slowly.  I also wake up with super sore hips in the morning.

All in all, I'm really enjoying being pregnant!! So many changes everyday.

Here is my most recent bump!  The picture makes it look so little, when I feel so much bigger already. We find out the gender of this little person next Friday. EEKK!! Can't wait